Well hello everyone! I'm Eric, and thank you for stopping by my profile! Little about me first, I am Charleston born and raised, have a bachelor's in Film, and work a stable job as an editor. I do have a side gig, but I keep it on the hush hush
. While I can get down and dirty, I love the arts, and find more pleasure going to an art museum than a car store. I do play music, and can play guitar and bass! Now, as far as what I'm looking for on here.....well.... I like women older than me. I actually like the maturity, the worldliness, the ability to both be serious but also have fun. With the way society is, the amount of girls that aren't mature is ever growing. I mainly yearn for the ability to converse and have fun, and I've always been hit on by older women. And I found out that I really like it